Friday, 12 November 2010

Manipulating time

Within film there are different ways to manipulate time, however many of these are irrelevant with regards to music videos as it doesn't often need to follow chronilogical order, but some still apply.

Cutting rate - An increased rate creates more tension, speed and even shock.
Cutting rhythem - Increasing the cutting rhythem creates these same effects but at the same time builds up more tension in the process.

Long take
A single shot or take which lasts a long period of time, this often occurs in examples where the video has an intense narrative or is all done in one take.

Simultaneous time
Events in different places represented as occuring at the same time through split screens or multiple imges. A well known example of this is 'the cribs - i'm a realist' video, which is almost entirely split screened.

Slow/accelerated motion
Action takes place on scren at either an accelerated or deccelerated rate. This feature is heavily seen in music videos. This is often used to change the tone of the shot.

Expanded time/Overlapping action
Expanding a time sequence through the use of smaller shots rather than one continuous shout. In an action sequences a shot can be taken from different angles and repeated without the audience being made aware of it.

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