Wednesday, 10 November 2010

The Dynobots, Band Promotion

Presentation script/notes

Slide 2 and 4 Just read out points.

Slide 3 *Read out semoisis points* 'The dynobots can be compared to artists such as The arctic monkeys, 30H!3, Kids in glass houses, cobra starship, friends of the band, hadouken and various other artists. In the next few years we hope to be able to get the dynobots in the charts alongside these artists.'

Slide 5 *roughly read points* 'Although the bands current focus is heartbreak and love, some of the songs are still high tempo and fast paced making the band appeal to both genders. This also means that the music can still appeal to those both in and out of relationships.'

Slide 6 'We plan to set the band up with numerous social networking accounts to give fans easy access to up to date info on the bands whereabouts, concert dates and new releases.' *Read entire list out, explain some points a bit further* Just before last point - 'As well as buying ad space on common sites such as google and YouTube, we also plan to buy ad space that are known to be popular with our target audience such as smosh, texts from last night and other sites associated with the popular icanhascheezburger network.' Band website - 'The bands website includes a live feed from their facebook, twitter, tumblr and daily booth accounts and also includes a web store where fans can buy merchandise, concert tickets and a range of signed personal items.' Slide 7 *Explain each point further roughly* Point 3 - 'We’ll use the opportunity to support artists from outside the band’s own genre in order to widen our fans base and aim the band at an audience different from their typical demographic, we hope to be able to use artists such as lady gaga to achieve this.' Point 7 - 'Being from Leeds, the band already have a close connections with popular band Hadouken, we plan to use this relationship to further boost the bands publicity and get them recognised as serious artists.' End box - 'Whilst taking the band seriously is important, it is also vital to manipulate the press to get the band’s identity known, as they say, there’s no such thing as bad publicity, for this we have several ideas for publicity stunts such as performances from popular buildings in well known areas and banners dropped from oxford street as to stretch outside our demographic, and club stunts and graffiti acts in Camden, a key area for our target audience.'

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